§ 85-1. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
    Every device propelled solely by human power upon which any person may ride, having two tandem wheels except scooters and similar devices and including any device generally recognized as a bicycle though equipped with two front or rear wheels.
    A portion of a roadway or shoulder designed for exclusive or preferential use by persons using bicycles. Bicycle lanes are to be distinguished from the portion of the roadway or shoulder used for motor vehicle traffic by physical barrier, striping, or marking, or other similar device.
    A bicycle route or bicycle path developed by the commissioner of natural resources under Minn. Stat. § 85.016.
    A bicycle lane, bicycle path, or bicycle route, regardless of whether it is designed for the exclusive use of bicycles or is to be shared with other transportation modes.
    Area bound by T.H. 19 and 2nd Ave. SE., including Park Street, 1st Ave. SE, 1st St. SE, 2nd Ave. SE.
    A motor vehicle with two or three wheels that:
    Has a saddle and fully operable pedals for human propulsion;
    Meets the requirements of federal motor vehicle safety standards in Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49, Sections 571.01 et seq.; and
    Has an electric motor that:
    Has a power output of not more than 1,000 watts;
    Is incapable of propelling the vehicle at a speed of more than 20 miles per hour;
    Is incapable of further increasing the speed of the device when human power alone is used to propel the vehicle at a speed of more than 20 miles per hour; and
    Disengages or ceases to function when the vehicle's brakes are applied.
    A self-balancing device with two nontandem wheels, designed to transport not more than one person, and operated by an electric propulsion system that limits the maximum speed of the device to 15 miles per hour.
    A bicycle that is propelled by a motor of a piston displacement capacity of 50 cubic centimeters or less, and a maximum of two brake horsepower, which is capable of a maximum speed of not more than 30 miles per hour on a flat surface with not more than one-percent grade in any direction when the motor is engaged. "Motorized bicycle" includes an electric-assisted bicycle as defined.